Home Page

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Our sixes

Promise etc



Other badges

Pack Holidays

Activities this term


Brownie Web Rules

Parents Page


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Contact Page

Our mascots
The Brownies have a pack mascot called Rosebud. Rosebud is a very big but very friendly cat who was 'adopted' as a Brownie in our pack about 3 years ago. Rosebud wears a Brownie uniform and 'gains' badges for special things like going on Pack Holiday or on a trip with us. She even comes with us to Church Parades! We hope to show you a picture of Rosebud soon!
The Brownies also have an elephant called Freda who helps them with their Promise activities.

Virtual Mascots
We hope to have a virtual mascot very soon so that she can visit other units on the web.

Please visit us!
If you have a virtual mascot we would love for you to visit us. If your mascot would like to come for a holiday with us, please email us

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